
arcana imperii :: the book of j


blog eller blogg? blogg!... say i.

i just stumbled upon this blog entry and thought it interesting and funny. i left tried leaving a comment that even if there were swedish words for blog, they still have their "glögg"! LOL actually i don't see why not use blogg (yes two Gs!) since the swedish word for log is logg and the word for journal is loggbok. since the use of web (nät, väv, nätverk) would seem universally used and understood (note, websidda, and webbansvarig), i guess considering weblogg and go from there to just using, blogg might be quite logical even if swedish weren't the sort of tongue in which one would willy-nilly grab one letter from one word and allow it all sorts of promiscuity with any ole letter which may find itself in its path.

«första bloggen
by Henke
posted friday, 04 march 2005 on Henke's Blog's
discussion: welcome

okej, då var det dags. Henke's blog sida ska fyllas med text. jag kommer att skriva om allt möjligt. troligtvis en hel del totalt ointressant. Men det spelar ingen roll, jag tänker skriva ändå.
hur stavas "bloggar" på svenska? ska det vara "blogar" eller "bloggar"? jag tänker använda mig av två g varianten. finns det inget svenskt ord för blog? eller blogg?