
arcana imperii :: the book of j


cheney utters the f-word in the senate

what a class act.

last week chehey, serving in his role as president of the senate didn't just use the word, but actually told the ranking democrat on the judiciary committee, senator patric leahy (vermont) to go «fuck himself» during a rather spirited exchange on the senate floor. the incident occurred after the vice-president took offence at sen. leahy's imputation of improper conduct regarding profiteering by halliburton and comments refarding bush's judicial nominees. cheney spokesman kevin kellems characterised the event as «a frank exchange of views». see, the bush administration is going round fining howard stern and pushing for ridiculous regulation regarding offensive content on the airwaves yet feel the use of foul language is indeed acceptable in public even while conducting official business: this incident occurred the same day the senate passed legislation described as the «defence of decency act» in a 99-to-1 vote. go figure.

note that the washington post quoted the vice president directly instead of talking round what he said. the decision marks a shift in journalistic practice, though just a bit behind uk media which printed the f-word last year.

view a brilliant related political cartoon here.

sources: political humour @ about.com and the washington post.