
arcana imperii :: the book of j


a frog is a frog is a frog

so... back to the frog birth... ananova reported a claim by the iranian daily etemaad that a woman gave birth to a frog that grew from larva inside her body.

although the newly born frog has yet to undergo genetic tests, the paper has quoted medical experts as saying that it has human characteristics. the report quoted clinical biology expert, dr aainifard as saying that «the similarities are in appearance, the shape of the fingers and the size and shape of the tongue».

the paper also claims that the mother-of-two, from the south-eastern city of iranshahr, unknowingly picked up the larva while swimming in a dirty pool but it is unclear as to how the strange incident took place.

baloney! extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and this story doesn't even demand that one bother. note that what's of interest to me is certainly not the birth of the frog, but the fact that people claim it happened, pseudo-doctors comment, newspapers report it, news services quote it and then even i end up blogging about it, albeit critically!