congratulate him? I DON'T THINK SO!
a year ago today, the bush administration was making its final push toward war in iraq. we know now (and some of us knew then) that much of what we were told about the threat that iraq posed was untrue. and rather than own up to their distortion of the facts, bush administration officials are denying they ever said such things.but this sunday, defence secretary donald rumsfeld got caught blatantly contradicting his past statements, and there's video clip to prove it. go ahead, have a look!
the us congress has the responsibility to hold bush and his administration accountable for this pattern of deception -- that's why we have the constitution, right? but instead, congress today has been debating a resolution congratulating bush, for (they claim) making the world safer!
i insist we all must demand, at a minimum, that congress censure the president. it is the duty of our representatives to formally reprimand him for misleading us. and what better day to demand it than today, while they're debating their anniversary resolution?