
arcana imperii :: the book of j


arabs, europeans still view US policy with mistrust and worse

a year after the US led attack, invasion and occupation of iraq, mistrust and discontent with america continues to grow both in europe and the arab world, according to a new poll by the pew research centre for the people and the press.

the report: a year after iraq war: mistrust of america in europe ever higher, muslim anger persists

note: «at least half of the respondents in every country except the US say the war in iraq hurt, not helped, the war on terrorism. fully two-thirds of moroccans (67%) express this opinion, as do solid majorities in germany (58%), pakistan (57%), turkey (56%) and france (55%).»

«at least half the people in countries other than the US say as a result of the war in iraq they have less confidence that the united states is trustworthy. similarly, majorities in all eight of these countries say they have less confidence that the US. wants to promote democracy globally.»

«solid majorities in six of the nine countries surveyed say that US and british leaders' prewar assertions that iraq had weapons of mass destruction were made mostly because the leaders "lied to provide a reason for invading Iraq," rather than because the leaders "were themselves misinformed by bad intelligence."»

npr's robert siegel talks about the survey with andrew kohut, director of the pew research centre.