
arcana imperii :: the book of j


starbucks, not just coffee and untoasted bagels anymore...

complain all you wish. you're most certainly wrong when it comes to the coffee, which is good. period. now, i myself won't set foot in one of these shops, but that's because they don't and won't toast bagels, which is nothing short of an abomination. i, as punter, am king, and if i want a toasted bagel with cream cheese i am to be served as ordered. starbucks won't, just like dc's annie's paramount steakhouse refuses to make and serve béarnaise sauce (ostensibly because the cost of eggs is too high). the humanity! do these places forget that when a paying customer walks in he's effectively hiring the staff and the venue for a meal, even if just an afternoon tea? i believe they get away with it because most americans feel they're still being done a favour whenever a paying service is performed for them and don't complain loudly and effectively.

in any case, the news is that starbucks will open today its first music cafe in the US serving up custom music CDs along with their usual assortment of drinks. but they still say nothing about the abominable untoasted bagels. btw, i am indeed aware that some strange people don't mind chewing untoasted bagels ad nauseam. i know it's probably the same people who chew gum like grazing cattle all day long, even in company and at gala dinners and awards ceremonies, and i do despair of you, but this is about me and i want my bagels toasted. period.

oh and at about $1,40 per song, they can rest assured i'll still burn at home while i make my own delicious coffee drink and eat my cake and have it too.