«hotel sakartvelo»
---------- Original message ----------
Date: 15 June 2006 @ 14:45
Subject: Hotel Sakartvelo
Here is a brilliant song written by Kaan Vural, a good friend of mine. This song combines every stereotype about Georgia (Sakartvelo in Georgian) and really gives one a good idea of what we must put up with in this country.
If you haven't already guessed, the song follows the same melody as Hotel California by the Eagles (who are herein appropriately attributed [i.e. I mentioned them]).
Anyhow, here is the song...
Hotel Sakartvelo
On a dark mountain highway,
Potholes everywhere.
Warm smell of cattle,
Rising up through the air.
Out ahead in the distance,
I saw a shimmering light,
I knew it was a mirage,
There ain't no power at night.
There he slouched in the doorway,
Cigarette in his hand, he said,
"Welcome to Sakartvelo, our beautiful land!"
Then he lit up a candle, and gave it to me straight,
"To go through is twenty lari, to go quick twenty-eight"
Welcome to the hotel Sakartvelo!
Such a lovely place, such a lovely place!
Seen from far away!
They're living it up at the hotel Sakartvelo!
What a nice surprise, what a nice surprise,
Bring your own supplies!
The electricity's twisted
It's never ever online, and he said
"We don't have no power here
Cause it's the spirit of the times."
How they drink in the courtyard, the wine tastes of regret.
Some drink to remember, I just want to forget!
So I called up the captain, "please bring me my wine" he said
"We have had that spirit here since BC four thousand and nine"
And still those hookers are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night,
Just to hear them say:
"Welcome to the hotel Sakartvelo
Such a lovely place, such a lovely place
Seen from far away
They're living it up at the hotel Sakartvelo
What a nice surprise, what a nice surprise,
Bring your own supplies!
Cobwebs on the ceiling, can't get to my floor
He said, "That's probably because the lift ain't working no more,
We have water problems, and there will be no light"
I said "you can bet your bottom dollar, my friend,
I won't be spending the night!"
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place that I was before
"Relax" said a policeman, "it'll all be all right."
Couldn't get out of the country, the
Planes all leave at midnight!
«That's what happens when earth fucks with space-never forget that.»~Jimi Hendrix,
after refusing to play at Madison Square Garden.
# posted by j @ 13:27 et / | 

quotation of the week
«never say bite me! to a vampire.»
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 10:38 et / | 

the world's most expensive cities
tokyo, which has ranked as the world's most expensive city for the last four years, has lost this infamous distinction to
moscow, where a two-bedroom flat would cost you US$3,000, a served cup of coffee 5,27, an international newspaper 3,40 and a burger and chips 3,87. ouch! a weakened yen places tokyo in third place just behind
london, meanwhile, still makes a pricey showing at number 5, making it the most expensive city in europe, followed by
geneva, which ranks 7 worldwide.
here's the top twenty:
- Moscow
- Seoul
- Tokyo
- Hong Kong
- London
- Osaka
- Geneva
- Copenhagen
- Zurich
- Oslo
- New York
- St Petersburg
- Milan
- Peking
- Istanbul
- Paris
- Singapore
- Dublin
- Sydney
- Shanghai
the cost-of-living survey from
mercer human resource consulting uses
new york city, ranked number 10, as its cost base -- scoring it at 100. then it compares the prices of more than 200 items, including housing, household goods, food, entertainment and transport in 144 cities round the planet.
leipzigis europe's least costly city at number 123.
sydney is australasia's most expensive city followed by
melbourne and
other high-ranking cities include
los angeles in position 29,
san francisco in 34th place and
chicago in 38th position.
washington, dc takes
83rd place.
winston-salem is the cheapest US city surveyed, ranked 124th.
toronto is the most expensive city in
canada and moves up from 82nd to 47th place.
ottawa remains the least expensive canadian city but has climbed 32 places from 122nd to 90th.
são paulo and
rio de janeiro are the most expensive cities in
latin america moving up from 119th and 124th positions to 34th and 40th place respectively
asuncion in
paraguay remains the least expensive city globally, in 144th position. other cheap cities include
buenos aires,
montevideo and
caracas in 142nd place, 138th and 136th respectively.
interestingly, the
US commonwealth of puerto rico has experienced rather high inflation during the last year making
san juan the costliest city in the
central american and
Caribbean geographical regions in 55th position.
san jose, costa rica is the least expensive in 134th place.
santo domingo in the
dominican republic is in 126th position dropping 27 places due to the depreciation of the dominican peso against the US dollar.
# posted by j @ 11:16 et / | 

the english and the irish
---------- forwarded message ----------
date: 19 june 2006 @ 09:15
I found this on a web forum. LOL.
Seamus O'Brien had been hailed the most intelligent Irish man for three years running. He had topped such shows as the 'Just a Minute Quiz' and 'Quicksilver'. It was suggested by the Irish Mensa board that he should enter into the English Mastermind Championships. He did, and won a place.
On they evening of the competition, Seamus entered from the audience and placed himself in the Leather Seat and made himself comfortable. The lights dimmed and a spot light pointed at his face.
Magnus said "Seamus, What subject are you studying?." Seamus responded, "Irish history".
Very well said Magnus, Your first question: "In what year did the 'Easter Rising' take Place?"
Seamus responded .."Pass."
"OK" said Magnus, "Who was the leader of the Easter Rising?", Seamus Responds .."Pass."
"OK" said Magnus, How long did the Easter Rising Last?" Seamus Responds.. "Pass."
Instantly, a voice in the crowd shouted, "Good Man Seamus... Tell the English Nothing..."
«That's what happens when earth fucks with space —never forget that.»
~Jimi Hendrix, after refusing to play at Madison Square Garden.
ha ha! dzięki b, pW!
# posted by j @ 15:07 et / | 

quotation of the week
«ignorance is natural. stupidity takes commitment.»
~solomon short
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 13:44 et / | 

a joke
~what did the cannibal do after he dumped his wife?
~he wiped his arse.ha!
# posted by j @ 12:01 et / | 

a poem: «loss loved me»
loss loved me, and suddenly: loss loved me not.
i tried to be winsome, i tried following
my father's rule: be aloof if you want to allure!
i loaded my speech with emptiness.
i let him kneel at my feet with a flame.
i played goddess to his supplicant.
i smiled as he stalked me
but tilted my head in sadness, deceptively.
still he left, and now what? it's spring—
and worse—there is no wind
and i am nothing without the wind
and i am even less in the too-bright sun.
i said goodbye to my white-haired love
who kissed me with his tongue.
i said, «goodbye. goodbye. the attention was fun».
he said, «not to worry, girl—it's only just begun».~
loss loved me by kathryn maris
via Slate Magazine.Labels: Poetry
# posted by j @ 10:56 et / | 

who made your iPod?
british newspaper
the mail has reported that iPods are assembled by women who work 15-hour days and earn £27 (US$50) per month at «iPod city», a plant in
foxconn's longhua plant houses 200,000 workers who live in 100-people dormitories closed to visitors.
the iPod shuffle is manufactured at a factory in
shanghai. workers there are housed outside the plant, and earn £54 (US$101) per month, but they must pay for lodging and food which takes up half their salaries.
via boing boing.Labels: Commentary
# posted by j @ 10:49 et / | 

quotation of the week
«a half-truth is a whole lie.«
~yiddish proverb
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 10:31 et / | 

car talk on language
i don't own a motorcar, but i enjoy listening to
car talk, whenever i find myself awake on a saturday morning before the crack of noon. in fact, it's great fun and always an educational experience, not limited to the realms of automotive technology and service, humour and common sense.
for instance, today, i learned the word
obnubilate which means to
confuse: make unclear, indistinct, or blurred as in «his words obnubilate his true wishes».
# posted by j @ 11:48 et / | 

«birth, life, and death -- each took place on the hidden side of a leaf.»
~toni morrison
# posted by j @ 00:30 et / | 

«the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
the opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
the opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
and the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.»
~elie wiesel, october 1986
# posted by j @ 00:30 et / | 

it's time
«for everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate,
a time for war, and a time for peace.»
~ecclesiastes 3:1-8
# posted by j @ 00:30 et / | 

a year
five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes,
five hundred twenty-five thousand
moments so dear.
five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes.
how do you measure,
measure a year?
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
in cups of coffee,
in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
in five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes,
how do you measure
a year in the life?
how about love?
how about love?
how about love?
measure in love,
seasons of love. seasons of love.
five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes!
five hundred twenty-five thousand
journeys to plan.
five hundred twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes.
how do you measure the life
of a woman or a man?
in truths that she learned,
or in times that he cried.
in bridges he burned,
or the way that she died.
it's time now to sing out,
tho' the story never ends.
let's celebrate,
remember a year in the life of friends.
remember the love!
remember the love!
seasons of love!
oh you got to, got to remember the love!
remember the love.
you measure in love.
know that love is a gift from up above.
seasons of love.
share love, give love, spread love. measure,
measure you life in love.
~seasons of love, rent
# posted by j @ 00:30 et / | 

tag closed
# posted by j @ 19:00 et / | 

theory and practise
«in theory, there is no difference between theory and practise; in practise, there is.»
~chuck reid
# posted by j @ 10:08 et / | 

another thought
i don't want, if i can't.
# posted by j @ 01:10 et / | 

quotation of the week
«we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.»
~martin luther king, jr.
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 01:10 et / | 

quotation of the week
«faith is the path of least resistance.»
~pending attribution
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 15:11 et / | 

head in the sand

i wish it could be this easy, but this tactic does not work for me. the horrid thing is that so many actually
live with their head not in the sand, but apparently so far up their arses that it comes up and out between their shoulders and so don't even realise it. and it stinks up the world...
source: the express.
# posted by j @ 16:35 et / |