miserable monday. boo!
yes, it's the horrid 24 january again, january blues day, and while its particular nastiness for me did not quite come to being as a result of the clock signalling 12:01 am, everything will certainly feel and be worse no matter what, because it is the 24th. for starters it's -10,5°C/13°F and it doesn't feel much warmer in my impossibly drafty flat (most of the windows have needed adjustment/replacing for years) and am dangerously emotionally drained (thx to my own personal voldemort)."apply the baloney detection kit!" i hear you scream. "how can you write anything of the sort!" i hear you add. well, it's partly tradition and guess what, there's a formula:
- 1/8w+(D-d) 3/8 × tq m × na
so i'm just going to look forward to tomorrow, when for the first time ever, i shall celebrate burns night. leave it to the scots to find a way to celebrate so brilliantly when the calendar doesn't has no other festivities in sight. now, where could i find a curry or hot & spicy haggis in washington, dc..?