
arcana imperii :: the book of j


take action! spread the word!

i just re-read the list of ten preliminary actions to defeat bush in 2004 a friend of mine had sent me back in november 2003 and realised that by publishing this blog i can check off the ninth item. with this entry i've reached the tenth. how about you?

«09. spread the word. tell as many friends, acquaintances, family members, and co-workers why you're taking action to defeat bush. appeal to their self-interest by talking about the issues they care about. discuss bush's record on the issues and give them handouts, books, magazines, articles, etc. that explain bush's record. emphasise not only the importance of taking action, but how taking action can be fun and does make a difference. If you reach them, give them a copy of this list and take action together. it’s much more fun working with people.

10. make copies of this list! this is NOT copyrighted; it can be reproduced in any way without the author's consent. post this list, legally, where people will be able to read it. make copies and hand them out. put the public on notice: you are not alone; tens of millions of americans want bush out. we can defeat him and must. with all of us, including you, taking action, we will succeed. perhaps then common sense will return to the white house.»