
arcana imperii :: the book of j


possible, probable, improbable, impossible: you decide

the new york times has just published online david e rosenbaum's the art of the possible meets the science of the probable in which readers are informed that due to the way in which democratic delegates are chosen, senator john edwards cannot win his party's presidential nomination without improbable landslide victories in some large states tuesday and in the weeks to come, according to experts on the nomination process.

simply put, if you feel mr kerry should be the next president of the united states, and your state is holding a primary tuesday or in the weeks to come, make absolutely certain you cast your vote. do the same if you feel kerry's the man and then concentrate on doing your best, not just to vote again 02 november, but to make certain every responsible and progressive eligible voter gets to the polls that day as well. this country can't afford complacency nor apathy. much less the "my vote doesn't count" idiocy. if you know any shameful, sad excuse for a human that might be considering the possibility of betraying the nation and voting wrongly, make sure you show him the light and the errors of his ways. an individual opinion's may indeed be sacred, but only if he's right.

remember bullet tooth tony: «you should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.»