new study shows abortions, miscarriages DO NOT increase breast cancer risk
scientists announced yesterday that having an abortion does not increase a woman's risk of getting breast cancer later, according to the most comprehensive and definitive analysis conducted on the controversial issue.currently, several states, including texas, minnesota and kansas, tell women considering an abortion that it may increase their risk of breast cancer. other states are debating whether to require doctors to warn women of a risk. the federal government also had suggested that abortion might raise the risk, but it recently dropped that information from an official cancer information website. [you may recall that this is one of the issues cited by scientists protesting the bush administration's distortion of scientific fact as well as censorship and use of other objectionable strategies in order to advance its agenda, especially in the areas of religion and "faith" and the protection of big business interests].
the governmental assertions suggest that there is an ongoing scientific debate in which studies that found no link are balanced by others that did. the new analysis concludes that this approach distorts the truth. it is being published today in the lancet, the british medical journal.