new blood & new acquisitions

i mentioned to an acquaintance the other night that i wish i could be in london especially this week in order to see new blood, the new exhibition which opened today at the saatchi gallery. a now-familiar blank expression greeted my enthusiasm and quickly extinguished it. the expression is now familiar because i'm slapped with it whenever i say anything that doesn't have to do with britney spears, american idol, bloody queer eye or some other mass-market, popular shit. "seek better company" i hear you saying... i know, let's just leave that for another time.
so the saatchi gallery is now celebrating its first anniversary at county hall and opening a new exhibition featuring work by a number of exciting young artists from around the world, alongside some of the new acquisitions made by the gallery in the last eighteen months. it will be the first uk museum presentation of tal r from denmark, nobuko tsuchiya from japan, muntean & rosenblum, daniel richter and jonathan meese from germany and many other british and international artists, like mat collishaw whose work, entitled madonna, we see in the kieran doherty/reuters photograph* above.
the beeb's emma saunders has had a look already and shares her impressions and the controversy surrounding the work of stella vine who has appropriately refused to remove the one piece on late heroin addict rachel whitear.
*näyttelyvieraat tutkivat englantilaisen mat collishaw'n taideteosta nimeltä madonna saatchin taidegalleriassa lontoossa. helsingin sanomat/maailman kuvia.