
arcana imperii :: the book of j


must read: «outside the law»

guardian unlimited published today a special report on the iraqi prisoners scandal, outside the law, which i urge all to read. i've had enough of lies, abuse and apologies. what it is going to take for us americans to say ENOUGH! and demand these arrogant, self-righteous pseudo-leaders of ours accept responsibility for every atrocity and horror they continue to cause and allow with the most reprehensible confidence in their impunity? since when is a commander-in-chief and his deputies not responsible for the behaviour of the troops under their command? since when is an insincere apology bloody enough? is everything permissible unless it has to do with sex in the oval office? republicans and supporters impeached a president for committing perjury regarding a personal relationship in what was nothing less than an attempted coup d'état but we don't even scream bloody murder and overwhelmingly demand at least a presidential censure and rumfsfeld's immediate resignation? the man complains that the revelations of abuse comprise a breach of national security instead ofcondemningg and accepting responsibility for the atrocities committed? unarmed, defenceless detainees are shot and killed in a prison courtyard as reported by the red cross and the government is to get away with an "oh but we are so very sorry"?!

where's the anger and indignation? where are the protests? too busy with reality telly and voting for the next american idol and symbol of musical mediocrity?

shame on you! shame on us all!

link alert via the brilliant ultimate insult.