
arcana imperii :: the book of j


eleven most endangered places 2004

the national trust for historic preservation has released its 2004 list of the most endangered historic places in the united states of america and it includes the "rare and regrettable" repeat inclusion of the entire state of vermont, once again "besieged by the onslaught of big-box retail development". the national trust said the threat is worse than ever, with wal-mart planning several new superstores that could spur sprawl, declining investment in downtowns, the loss of locally-owned businesses and the erosion of the state's unique sense of place.

also listed is 2 columbus circle, new york, new york, ridgewood ranch, willits, california, the bethlehem steel plant, bethlehem, pennsylvania, the elkmont historic district, the great smoky mountains national park in tennesee, the gullah/geechee coast in south carolina and georgia, the madison-lenox hotel in detroit, the historic cook county hospital in chicago, the george kraigher house in brownsville, texas, nine mile canyon, carbon and duchesne counties in utah and closer to home, the tobacco barns of southern maryland, currently being abandonment or demolished as a result of state-sponsored buyouts to farmers.