
arcana imperii :: the book of j


shame shame shame!

two national surveys released this week, the washington post poll and the gallup poll, show bush ahead of senator john kerry -- this despite three weeks of grim news from iraq, tv images of US casualties and criticism of bush from witnesses before the 9/11 commission.

according to msnbc, the two numbers are remarkable and remarkably discordant (from the washington post poll): six out of ten respondents say the united states is bogged down in iraq, but bush's approval rating stands at fifty-one percent. one might think the iraq turmoil would be bad news for bush's chances of election, yet ignorant voters seem to see bush as stronger and more capable of dealing with national security. as if! don't these people see that bush contributes to our being a bloody target in the first place?! is this that complicated a concept for most of us to grasp?