
arcana imperii :: the book of j


celebrate hope, rebirth and new beginnings not myth as truth

in case you're among the sadly mistaken sixty percent of americans who believe in the historical accuracy of the bible, or have "faith" in the events therein described, please understand that no three-day-old rotting body ever descended to "hell" or rose to "heaven" with or without a bagful of imputed sins. it did not happen, period. and i indeed strongly hope that since it is neither rational nor acceptable, one day this bloody, baleful, death-centred christian tale of easter be abandoned for a true and conscious celebration of life. enough of religion's exhaltation of misery, cruelty, sadism, insanity, slavery, sexism, war, and death.

the vernal equinox has ushered in the spring season, a time to robe ourselves in the revelry of life blooming everywhere. life, love and HOPE are in the air. and it is precisely the concept of hope which the evangelists intended to convey with their tale of jesus resurrected. i hence advocate taking the "resurrection" message of easter and the solemnity of passover and celebrating new beginnings, health and growth and renewing a commitment to make hope a reality by lending a real helping hand to those in need, be it a neighbour, a homeless person right down the road from your home, an unemployed friend at the end of his rope or a palestinian or jew dreaming of a homeland and fighting for their olive tree.

«on earth there is nothing great but man; in man there is nothing great but mind.»
~sir william hamilton