
arcana imperii :: the book of j


the f-word and the destruction of someone's life

i was just reminded of mr mckee's enlightening line in the film adaptation: «every fucking day someone somewhere makes a conscious decision to destroy someone else...»

in the wake of the release of the hutton report, i remembered john plunkett's 23 september 2003 words in an article for the guardian: «in a key piece of evidence to the hutton inquiry yesterday, it was revealed that the outgoing Downing Street director of communications, alastair campbell, had written in his diary that he wanted to expose david kelly in order to "fuck andrew gilligan," the bbc reporter».

in an unprecedented move, three uk newspapers used the f-word in its unexpurgated form that day as editors gave the go-ahead for its use. david christopher kelly, microbiologist, born 17 1944; died 18 July 2003. andrew gilligan resigned today.