Happy Hallowe'en 2011!
«Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."»
~From The Raven by Edgar Allan PoeLabels: Halloween, Holiday Greetings, Holidays
# posted by j @ 19:33 et / | 

Quotation of the Week
«Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.»
~Abraham Lincoln
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 13:04 et / | 

Amy Winehouse death: Alcohol Poisoning
Amy Winehouse's death was the result of the singer drinking too much alcohol. Shame on the enablers around her and those close to her who failed to provide the required help.
BBC News - Amy Winehouse death: Coroner records misadventure verdict.
'via Blog this'Labels: Alcohol, Amy Winehouse, Cause of death, Music
# posted by j @ 14:08 et / | 

Quotation of the Week
«Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.»
~Christopher Morley
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 12:47 et / | 

Quotation of the Week
«Show your sheep-biting face, and be hanged an hour!»
~Taken from: Measure for Measure
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 20:27 et / | 

12 October: Fiesta Nacional
¡Qué viva España!Labels: Holidays
# posted by j @ 13:32 et / | 

Op-Ed: Obama 'Devastating' For Civil Liberties
This is an incredible interview. Please have a listen or read the transcript at NPR. The link, further information and a brief excerpt follows.
Op-Ed: Obama 'Devastating' For Civil Liberties : NPR: «Jonathan Turley argues in a recent op-ed in the
Los Angeles Times that "the election of Barack Obama may stand as one of the single most devastating events in our history for civil liberties." He says President Obama has continued many of the most controversial Bush administration programs.»
«President Obama is a perfect nightmare when it comes to civil liberties. He not only adopted most of President Bush's policies in the civil liberties areas when it comes to terrorism, but he actually expanded on them. He outdid George Bush.
And they range. His position on torture and refusing to have people investigated or prosecuted for torture, on privacy lawsuits. He pushed aggressively for the dismissal of dozens of lawsuits brought by private interest organizations. He's for immunity for people who engaged in warrantless surveillance. He has fought standing for people even to be able to get courts to review his programs, much like George Bush. He kept military tribunals and the authority to make the discretionary choice of sending some people to a real court, some people to a military tribunal. He has asserted the right to kill U.S. citizens based solely on his own discretion, that he believes them to be a threat to the country.
His administration has, once again, as with the Bush administration, cited secret law, that - and including a case of assassinating citizens - a law that we're not allowed to see, but we have to trust them.»
'via Blog this'Labels: Civil Liberties, Commentary, Obama's Presidency, Politics
# posted by j @ 00:47 et / | 

Obama has decimated the progressive cause. Would he do it again?
insightful (and brutal) analysis indeed.
"But, as liberal leaders already know, the young movement must be careful to avoid Obama’s embrace: He decimated the progressive cause once, and he would do it again if given the chance."Labels: Commentary, Failure, Obama, Politics, Wall Street
# posted by j @ 14:09 et / |