Quotation of the Week
«To understand nothing takes time.»
~Zen saying
Labels: quotations, Zen
# posted by j @ 01:09 et / | 

Mark Rutstein from DC: A BULLY
«You are a shallow cowardly hind, and you lie.»
~Taken from: Henry IV, part I
This is Mark Rutstein of Washington, DC. He is a bully and a coward who uses Facebook and comment sections on the internet to insult, bully, disparage and discredit others, including friends, and then hides behind his computer monitor by blocking critics.
For instance, after reading a Facebook Status Update on his Facebook Wall, in which Mark Rutstein wrote about throwing a fit at a 17th Street Steakhouse in DC called Annie's, stating that he had walked out after waiting ten minutes for service, I wrote in a comment that one encounters similar situations at 30 degrees/Cobalt, bars he manages less than a block away from Annie's. Mark's disrespectful, unwarranted and unacceptable reply was to tell me that at his bar they don't serve old bitter queens and that if I had to wait to be served a drink I must have fit that profile. Mark, who is 37 years old can go [to hell]. Unlike Mark, I'm far from old, not a queen and definitively not bitter. It's just that there's something ugly about people who live in glass houses and throw stones.
See, whenever Mark Rutstein perceives he's received poor service somewhere, he posts on Facebook the name of the establishment and the name of his servers along with his complaint. Fine. But apparently he can't bear to receive the same criticism. And hiding, like the coward he is, behind his computer monitor, he continues to rant, harass and insult, apparently believing that I won't find out or present the evidence to the DC Police.
Mark's behaviour should cause revulsion. It's definitely sociopathic, as Mark fails to compensate or make amends for his actions and seems unable to learn from his mistakes. He seems indifferent to having hurt and mistreated others and certainly even goes so far as to blame his victims for being foolish or helpless or as deserving their fate.
Mark Rutstein can be reached at + 1 202.498.1198 (mobile) and at mark@iknowdc.com (email). Please note that this contact information has been made publicly available on the internet by Mark Rutstein himself and is correct as of this writing.
NOTE: Philip Tickner has posted comments on Mark Rutstein's Facebook page saying that this is a "strike from an old queen". Who the hell is he and what does he know about anything to be expressing his insulting views. Note also that a Kerrie Ryan has threatened to send out "comment trolls" to my blogs and hack my twitter account. And suggests that Gawker would have a field day with me. Gawker would have a field day with Rutstein's hypocrisy. She is another cyber-criminal making threats and indeed someone who knows nothing about what Mark Rutstein has done. Another case of "blame the victim" for retaliating.Labels: 30 Degrees, Cobalt, Cyberbully, Facebook, Level One, Mark Rutstein, Real Estate, Washington DC
# posted by j @ 12:52 et / |