Quotation of the Week
«Be great in act, as you have been in thought.»
~Jean Richter (and attrib. to the man known as "Shakespeare")
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 01:21 et / | 

In Memoriam: Amy Winehouse
Singer Amy Winehouse, 27, has been found dead at her north London home. Such an extraordinary talent. So troubled. Gone. Wasted. Somebody could have saved this girl.Labels: Memorial, Music
# posted by j @ 15:36 et / | 

Quotation of the Week
I was asked the other day what it meant to be an atheist. In response I quoted John Buchan (1875 - 1940) and said that an atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 17:23 et / | 

Fête Nationale (Bastille Day)
«Grand Dieu, sauve le Roi!
Long jours à notre Roi!
Vive le Roi
A lui la victoire
Bonheur et gloire
Qu’il ait un règne heureux
Et l'appui des cieux.»

«Grand Dieu, sauve le Roi!
Grand Dieu, venge le Roi!
Vive le Roi!
Que toujours glorieux
Louis victorieux
Venge ses ennemis
Toujours soumis.»
Labels: History, Holidays, Monarchy
# posted by j @ 19:41 et / | 

Quotation of the Summer
«Though we travel the world to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.»
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Labels: quotations
# posted by j @ 19:29 et / | 

Independence Day 2011;
Happy Birthday, America!Labels: Holiday Greetings, Holidays
# posted by j @ 19:15 et / |